How much does Hickey Law Firm, PLLC charge?

One of the most common questions we receive from prospective clients is: "How much is all of this going to cost me?"  Unfortunately, the answer is typically: "It depends." 

We understand that the decision to hire an attorney is often a stressful one.  Usually, someone has sued you, or someone has acted in such a way that you are left with no choice but to sue them.  The vast majority of our clients have never been involved in a lawsuit and have no idea what what to expect when it comes to choosing and paying for a lawyer.  

At Hickey Law Firm, we strive to make the decision and process of hiring an attorney as easy as possible.  That is why, unlike many firms, we publish our pricing guidelines so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your particular circumstances.  

Estate Planning:

Will Packages: $3,000.00 minimum fee for couples, $2,000.00 for an individual

    • Wills
    • Devolution on Death Agreement
    • Deeds Titling Property as Community Property with Right of Survivorship
    • Powers of Attorney for Financial, Business and Property Matters
    • Living Wills
    • Healthcare Directives
    • Powers of Attorney for Healthcare

Trust Packages: $4,000.00 minimum fee for couples, $3,000.00 for an individual

    • Trust
    • Necessary Documents to Establish Trust
    • Wills
    • Deeds Titling Property into the Trust
    • Necessary Documents Required to Maintain Homeowner's Exemption
    • Powers of Attorney for Financial, Business and Property Matters
    • Living Wills
    • Healthcare Directives
    • Powers of Attorney for Healthcare

Probate:  $5,000.00 retainer

Entity Formation (LLCs and Corporations):

$1,500.00 retainer

Personal Injury claims:

Contingency basis.  No upfront costs, no retainer, no monthly invoices.  You pay a percentage of what your attorney collects

All other Civil Matters:

$500.00-$5,000.00 retainer depending on complexity of case

What is a minimum fee? 

The attorneys at Hickey Law Firm, PLLC charge minimum fees for the preparation of Wills and Trust Packages. The minimum fee for estate planning generally includes the preparation of the basic Last Will or Trust, and related estate documents.  The minimum fee is for drafting the basic documents only.   Consultation and revision time are charged at the attorney's hourly fee.  The cost to prepare your estate plan may exceed the minimum fee where there are a number of consultations, property assignments and deeds to be drafted, or where there is a need to draft sub-trusts within the basic Last Will or Trust.  

What is a retainer?

A retainer is money held in trust by Hickey Law Firm, PLLC until it is earned by your attorney.  Your attorney will bill against your retainer at his or her hourly rate and send you an invoice at the beginning of each month.  Any funds left in your retainer at the conclusion of your matter are generally refunded to you.

What are your hourly rates?

The attorneys at Hickey Law Firm, PLLC charge $300.00 per hour.  We bill in increments of 1/10th of an hour.  

What is a contingency fee? 

A contingency fee is a fee that is contingent upon a specified outcome. Typically, in the case of personal injury claims, that outcome is the recovery of money on your behalf, either by way of settlement or jury verdict.  Contingency fee cases typically involve a serious injuries sustained because of someone else's negligence or carelessness. You had to get medical treatment, and now you have medical bills along with your other household expenses. You also had to take time off work to recover, and you've missed out on wages, bonuses, and other income.  You're in pain and you did nothing to deserve this injury or any of the related expenses.  The attorneys at Hickey Law Firm, PLLC understand what you're going through.

Under a contingency fee arrangement, the lawyer takes a risk that if the case does not succeed, then the lawyer will not get paid for the work done on the client's behalf. That's the deal with contingent fees; the lawyer only gets paid if the client gets paid. This is why many personal injury lawyers are selective in the cases they handle and will not take on so-called “frivolous cases” that have no chance of winning.

Why do personal injury lawyers work on contingency? Mostly for the same reasons for which they offer free case consultations. Personal injury attorneys know that their clients cannot afford to pay by the hour or upfront. Contingent fees make it possible for clients to afford to hire a lawyer and make it worthwhile for the lawyer to risk not earning anything. They also give the lawyer and client the same goal: securing a fair  settlement or verdict as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Do you have questions about how much your case might cost? 

Call 208-810-4849 to schedule a consult today!  We'd be happy to discuss your case and provide an estimated cost.